
DerMel is a wound care brand that offers two products based on pure honey. DerMel skin ointment is designed for the treatment of superficial wounds, while DerMel wound dressing is...


Privacy & cookies

...not be returned to a third-party website.” More information on cookies? Find additional information on cookies on the following website: Your Online Choices: “A guide to online behavioral advertising” Review,...


Skin Supplements skin renewal and help your skin regain its balance. Skin Supplements are vitamin, enzyme, herbal and mineral complexes that support your skin as well as your hair and nails....


Scar treatment

Scars are part of life, but sometimes things go wrong. Scar healing can then be abnormal. Patients want to prevent scars or at least limit scarring as much as possible....



...silicone gel prevent and reduce scars. The use of medical silicon in scar prevention therapy is scientifically supported. Which is why professionals prefer to use silicone dressings for scar treatment....


About BAP Medical

At BAP Medical, we are engaged in the development, manufacturing, and distribution of medical devices. We provide our healthcare products to patients and medical professionals around the world.
