International Scar Club Meeting in Montpellier
In October 2019 the 8th International Scar Club Meeting was held in Montpellier, France.
Key professionals from all over the world got together to discuss important research results, share valuable information and discuss the latest techniques in the prevention and management of excessive scarring.
Improvement of scar management
Hypertrophic scars, keloids, scar atrophy and other types of pathologic scarring lead to poor cosmetic and functional outcomes. The Global Scar Society aims to group all disciplines and actors in the field in the hopes of further developing and improving scar management and its related fields leading to normalise the patient life. Up to 60% of scars after surgery and up to 90% of scars after a burn become hypertrophic!
Preventive measures for scars
In the international Scar Practical Management Guidelines is stated that after wound closure there are 2 preventive measures you should start with: Hydration & Silicone Therapy.
- ALHYDRAN assures optimal hydration of the epidermis and prevents trans epidermal water loss. The effectiveness has been scientifically proven.
- SCARBAN and BAPSCARCARE Silicone Sheets and Gels are intended for the prevention of scars as well as the treatment of young and old hypertrophic and keloid scars.
Updated scar management practical guidelines: non-invasive and invasive measures.
Bap Medical was present at the Scar Club Meeting with a big booth to present our product lines for the prevention and aftercare of scars and connect with professionals from all over the world. We believe the International Scar Club Meeting 2019 was a huge success and we are already looking forward visiting the 2021 edition.